Thursday, November 18, 2010

First World Third World Fridays

Without further delay, the return of timely first world third world Fridays.

First world problem: The waiting list for the dog therapist is 6 months long, but Princess Applethorpe really needs to start dealing with her issues now.

Third world problem: My new puppy bit my hand. She hasn't had her shots because there isn't a vet, so I have to wait 10 days. If she dies I probably have a disease.

*many thanks to Polly for sharing her experience. Coming soon, Brandon's first world third world problems.

Happy Fridays Y'all

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much we take what we have for granted. I know I get a little frustrated when I can get Pebbles into the vet to board on holidays. So, thank you for First World, Third World Fridays, it so reminds me to be thankful for the all the good things in my life.
